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Foundation for Rally & Obedience
Rally is a numbered "obstacle" course that you follow with your dog. At each number there is a sign for you and your dog to complete one obedience exercise, then on to the next. Unlike regular obedience, instead of waiting for the judge's orders, the competitors proceed around a course of designated stations with the dog in heel position. The course consists of 10 to 20 signs that instruct the team what to do. It's a fun and challenging way to show off your team's obedience skills! In this class, you will - • Learn the exercises performed in Rally and many of the exercises you will need for Novice Obedience • Learn the Novice Rally signs • By graduation, you will be able to complete a short sequence of Novice Rally exercises

Course Registration
After filling out the form you will be taken to a page to download form as well as submit payment.
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